Saturday, April 3, 2010

Enchanted Forest Path

The first time I walked on Second Creek Trail and folllowed the path north, along the creek, I felt like I was walking into the enchanted forest in L Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz.  As the trail turned east, the leafy canopy overhead closed in on me, but I didn't mind at all.

Today, with the leafy canopy just a hope and a dream away, the blue Illinois sky has a chance to shine through. The first flowers were beginning to bloom. The air smelled fresh and clean with last night's rain. My shoes, however, were another story as muddy puddles covered the path in several places.

Last night's rain brought new life to Second Creek. A family with their dogs and children were enjoing the sights and sounds of the water rushing over the rocks as it travelled under the bridge.

(Note: Many of us dog-lovers love to walk the trails with our four-leggged friend, but we always need to remember to follow the rules and keep the dog on a leash. Oh, yeah, and I also make sure I clean up after my pet so that others can enjoy the trails. Its either good manners, or--yuck--good grief! ; )

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