Saturday, February 20, 2010

Eye Spy

The trails are too icy to traverse today and there is a forecast of more rain/sleet/snow on the way, so this "trailwalker" is going to stay put. 

But.....last week I snapped this photo near the fishing pond.  The water had crept up the banks of the pond, frozen, and then retreated. This left a lacy, paper-thin layer of ice at the pond's edge.
Since then I kept returning to this picture in my file, not knowing what to do with it, but intrigued with its curvy lines and subtle tones of brown. I finally figured out my attraction to the photo just a few moments ago when I saw it - an ice-painting of an animal with its mouth open. What's your guess? A flying squirrel? A chipmunk? A turtle? Or do you see something totally different?

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