Monday, December 6, 2010

Life isn't fair.... Get on with it.

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     I have always had a tiny, antique wooden placard in my home that reads "Keep Looking Up". So all my life I have read that placard, looked up to my higher power, lifted my chin, and enjoyed life.

     Now, however, I have been having to "keep looking down" and constantly watch my steps due to a serious vision problem that has developed, so it's been hard not to feel down a bit more than I'd like. Especially since this problem affects every part of my life, including my beloved nature photography.

     No self-pity allowed here. I know there are may people out there who are a lot worse off than I am. My latest mantra has been "Life isn't fair - get over it...and get on with it."
     And so this is my own photo of what I saw one day last month when I laid on my back with that clear, blue sky overhead, and just kept looking up.

     Life is precious.  (get on with it)

     Do you ever feel stressed and wish you could just close your eyes and be transported to a trail or a path far away? I have.
     The following is a true testimonial. Yes, if you click on a link I may make a few pennies, but I really DO like this little sound machine, and I really want to tell you about it.    
     Like all nature lovers, looking at beautiful scenes is a kind of therapy for me. 
     When I can't be looking at waterfalls, birds, or trees blowing in the wind, I love to listen to peaceful sounds of nature to relieve stress.
     Two years ago I bought a little relaxation sound machine because I was having trouble sleeping. I loved it so much that I bought another one for my classroom. This really has some beautiful, calming sounds of nature. I tried more expensive machines and this one sounds more realistic than anything else I've heard.
     Thanks for reading my blog, and remember that whatever you do to help you cope with the pressures and stresses of life: taking a walk, talking with friends, reading, listening to music, or anything else, just....

Keep Looking Up

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. And yes no matter what "believe". And get over it hehehe. Happy Wednesday!


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