Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fishing Pond

A view of the kid's fishing pond at sunset. The new bridge is yet another example of the hundreds of special touches that workers and volunteers have completed to make the grounds at the Ballard Nature Center a beautiful and accessible place to visit. The purple flowers in the foreground can be seen in a close-up below.

These spire-like flowers in the picture above grace the landscape around the new bridge, growing to a height of over five feet tall. The prairie-blazing-star (Liatris pycnostachya) loves full sun and will bloom from July to September.

This cottonwood tree on the Second Creek trail has stood the test of time. I couldn't get the entire height of the tree in the picture. The identification sign, below, is nestled beneath the tree nearly hidden by the grasses and foliage.

This is not a clear picture of a rabbit that dashed down into the dry pond on Second Creek Trail. My camera lens is a bit whimpy when it comes to telephoto shots.

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.
Flora Whittemore

See the beauty in life every day. PrairieWalker

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