Sunday, October 31, 2010

Root Philosophy

     Roots found in the 2nd creek are exposed in the top picture.  This tree just endured a week's worth of howling, gusting, high winds. And it stands, thanks to roots, seen and unseen.
       The tree knows that to weather the storms and still keep reaching for the light it must secure roots to keep grounded. As the tree grows, the roots must grow deeper and stronger, and new roots branch off the old.
        Roots remind me of our young as they need the strong, loving arms of a family; a foundation on which to grow their new lives.
The hot, dry summer and fall produce a creek bed flowing only with sand and leaves.


  1. Beautiful creation of nature!! Very nicely shot!!

    Pixellicious Photos

  2. Thank you! Unfortunately, as I enlarged the bottom photo, I found a blue drainage hose tied up in the debris. Right in the center of the photo. Not very natural. Such is life.


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